You got this.
Nobody should be made to suffer alone. Talking to someone, anyone, is the best thing for mind health - whether it's a family member, colleague, friend or friend's friend.
Their are also specific helplines put in place for this exact purpose. Calling them means you'll get through to someone to talk to, whatever the topic. Just talking to someone can make a world of difference to your emotional state.
Campaign Against Living Miserably
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. In 2015, 75% of all UK suicides were male.
Safeline has a dedicated UK male helpline available Monday to Saturday offering you a safe place to speak. This can be used to provide immediate emotional support as well as advice to those suffering in silence.

You can reach the National Male Survivor helpline via text or phone.
0808 800 5005
07860 027573
Feeling lost or down? L,M,M has compiled a gallery of its favourite quotes and phrases from inspirational people in the present day and throughout history. Click to expand.